Get Organized

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NEED COPY is a remarkable tool. It has two magnificent functions: it allows you to assess your business needs and direction, and it allows us to get to know your business and industry from your perspective, all in a few hours.

We do the Communications Plan with you (and we encourage you to include any staff members who are key to the direction of the business). We delve into the nuts and bolts of what you do and what you want to do. We help you to set specific goals. Then, together, we devise strategies and tactics to allow you to accomplish your goals, and along the way we help you decide what your marketing budget will be.

A Plan enables you to cut right to the heart of your marketing needs, to see what your strengths are in comparison to your competition and to bally-hoo those same strengths to your target audience.

Business owners and professional offices alike have told us over and over that it is an extremely rewarding process and truly helps hone actions to back up the company’s mission.